Wrong Place Wrong Time Chapter 2

Wrong Place Wrong Time

Chapter Two

Tim got out of the car and walked over the road towards his ex-girl friend’s home. Sarah and Tim were together for a number of years but spit up just over two years ago. Both of them had no new partners and when ever they bumped into each other there seemed to be some sort of chemistry.

Nether could explain why they had split up but equally nether had the carriage to suggest they try again. Last time Tim saw Sarah was while shopping, which resulted in them having a coffee together and talking at length. But bumping into her in a shopping centre is very different to showing up on her door step at six in the morning. 

Sarah was an early riser so Tim knew she would by out of bed but he still felt uncomfortable about knocking on her door at this hour. After knocking on the door Tim stood back from the door near the edge of the veranda.

Tim and Sarah went back a very long time, they went to school together, dated for years before living together so there was not much they didn’t know about each other. Sarah like Tim was thirty two years old and very much the products of their upbringing. Sarah worked in the IT industry and there was not much she didn’t know about computers.

The door opened and on seeing Tim, Sarah said. “My goodness.”

“Sorry for showing up unannounced but I really need your help,” said Tim.

“At six in the morning,” replied Sarah.

“At six in the morning, I am in so much trouble,” said Tim.

“You better come in then,” replied Sarah.

Sarah was still in her pyjamas and even though Tim had a lot on this mind he still found himself admiring her attributes as they walked to the kitchen.

“I am just having breakfast would you like some,” asked Sarah. As she noticed him checking her out, she added, “hey breakfast?”

“Yes please,” replied Tim.

“I have never known you be in any trouble before, so what sort of trouble is it?” asked Sarah.

“It might be better if I show you first,” replied Tim.

Tim got his wallet out of his pocket and took the SD card out and then said, “have you got a computer?”

Sarah pointed at her lap top which was sitting on the kitchen table. Tim turned the lap top on and sat on one of the stools located around the kitchen table. The toasted spat out some toast which Sarah put on a plate and placed it on the table in front of Tim.

“Help yourself, the vegemite is over there,” said Sarah as she pointed towards the middle of the table. She then placed two more slices of bread in the toaster before sitting down next to Tim.

“So what is this all about?” asked Sarah as she spread some vegemite on one of the pieces of toast.

“It is really, really serious, but you need to watch this first,” said Tim, still waiting for the lap top to boot up.

“Is this some sort of elaborate scheme to get back with me?” asked Sarah before adding, “if it is I like it.”

“I wish it was, I wish I had thought of it, but no,” said Tim.

The lap top made the noise, so Tim inserted the SD card, opened the file and then pressed play.

“This is very disturbing so prepare yourself,” said Tim.

Sarah watched the video of Glen and Glenda’s murder and then Tim told her all that had happened over the last six hours in full detail.

Once Tim had finished, Sarah said nothing, she just went into the lounge room and sat on the lounge. Tim new her well enough to leave alone, to just let her think, so he stayed in the Kitchen and finished his breakfast.

He then did the washing up and tidied the kitchen before finally going into the lounge room and sitting opposite Sarah.

Sarah looked at Tim and said, “you weren’t joking when you said that you were in trouble.” She then added, “that has to be the biggest understatement of all time.”

“First up, we need to make lots of copies of that video,” said Tim.

“We are going to need lots of SD cards, flash drives and some portable hard drives,” replies Sarah. “Then added, “we need to make a list.”

Sarah jumped to her feet and left the room, returning with a pad and pen which she handed to Tim.

“Make a list,” said Sarah.

Tim started making a list;                   SD cards

                                                Flash drives

                                                Portable hard drives

“Money and all you can get your hands on, and no credit card use,” said Sarah.

“I’ll empty my bank accounts,” replied Tim.

“You will need to dump that car, near a train station so they think you court a train,” said Sarah. She then added, “but not this Station.” Meaning the railway station just up the road from her home.

“They will spend hours looking for me on CCTV footage at the railway station,” replied Tim.

“Make a list of people to give copies of the video to,” said Sarah.

“OK, do we send copies to everyone like, media, politicians, Police, Federal Police right now or do we wait for the lap top to arrive,” asked Tim.

“I’m not sure if we should send it out at all as we don’t know who to trust, may be it would be better to send it to the Deputy Police commissioner with the threat of releasing it, just to buy us some time till the lap top arrives,” replied Sarah.

“Yer, I think you’re right, we will know more once the lap top arrives,” said Tim.

“Why did you post it to me anyway?” asked Sarah.

“In case they court me I wanted someone to have it, I didn’t want them to get away with it,” replied Tim.

“Why did you keep the SD card then?” asked Sarah.

“They don’t know I have the video but they might off worked out that I have the lap top,” replied Tim.

“Phone, phone, do you have your mobile phone, they can track you with it,” said Sarah.

“No it’s alright, I got ride of it last night,” replied Tim.

“You better add ‘a phone to the list of things to buy,” said Sarah.

Tim dually did so.

“May be we should put the video on the internet,” said Tim.

“Now that is a great idea, we could put it on you tube but with a time delay of a few days,” replied Sarah. She then added, we could just keep changing the release date every few days.”

“So it would only ‘go public’ if something happened to us, and if we tell the Deputy Police Commissioner about it,” said Tim.

Tim and Sarah looked at each other and said together, “He want dare touch us,”

Tim looked at Sarah, smiled and said, “you know I miss this, us just, well, us being us.”

“So do I,” replies Sarah.

“You know you could of shut the door in my face, it’s not to late to have nothing to do with it,” said Tim.

“It’s too late,” replied Sarah.

“OK, what’s the plan,” said Tim.

“I will ring in sick and then get dressed,” replied Sarah.

“Do you need any help with that?” asked Tim.

Sarah looked at Tim with a smile and said, “no I think I have it covered, anyway I seem to remember your talent was taking cloths off.”

“Yer but you will need to take those pyjamas of before putting cloths on,” replied Tim.

Sarah put her hands on her hips and just looked at Tim before saying, “I think I can handle it.”

“I’ll work out a plan of attack then,” said Tim.

A few minutes later Sarah appeared dressed and looking like a woman on a mission.

“So what first?” asked Sarah.

“I think we need to get rid of the pool car, I’m thinking, Central Railway Station.” replied Tim.

“Sounds good but there is a lot of CCTV there so may be you should change your cloths in the toilets after dumping it,” said Sarah.

“I don’t have any other cloths,” replied Tim

“I think there are some of your old cloths in the spare room, come on lets have a look,” said Sarah.

They both made there way to the spare room, opened the wardrobe door but there were only two shirts and a ‘T’ shirt.

“You have put on some weight in the last two years and these are older than that so you better try them on,” said Sarah.

Tim took his shirt off and tried one of the old shirts on, it sort of fitted but there was no way it would button up.

“You have put on some weight, take it off and try the ‘T’ shirt,” said Sarah.

He struggled to get the ‘T’ shirt on over his head so Sarah helped pull it down.

“It’s a bit tight,” said Tim.

“Put the shirt on over the top and leave it un-buttoned,” said Sarah.

Tim put the shirt on and said, “that works.”

“OK put your shirt back on but keep the ‘T’ shirt on underneath, that will make changing easier,” said Sarah.

“You don’t have a hat I could wear, do you?” asked Tim.

“No I’m not a hat person, you know that but I do have,” said Sarah, while searching around in a draw, and then added after taking it out of the draw and waving it about, “a wig.”

“I don’t know about that,” replied Tim.

“Come on try it on,” said Sarah while trying to put it on Tim’s head.

Tim tried to stop her but gave and stoped struggling and let her put it on his head.

“There you go, its not to bad, remember you only have to fool the cameras,” said Sarah, while fighting back laughter.

The wardrobe door had a mirror on it so Tim closed the door so he could see what he looked like.

“Yer, all right, it will do. Do you have one of those paper shopping bags?” Asked Tim, then adding, “just to put the shirt and wig in.”

“In the kitchen,” replied Sarah.

They both headed to the kitchen where Sarah found a bag and gave it to Tim.

“Will that do,” asked Sarah.

“Perfect, OK let’s get this show on the road,” said Tim.

“Be careful, the cops will be looking for you,” said Sarah.

“Its only ten km’s but I will stick to side streets just in case, anyway with a bit of luck the car wont have been missed yet. See you at the shopping centre outside the bank,” said Tim.

After closing the front door Sarah looked across at Tim and said, “you know it’s only a matter of time before they show up here.”

“I know,” replied Tim.

Sarah walked to her car, a Hyundai i20, backed out of her driveway and drove away. Tim walked over the road and got in the poll car, a Toyota Corolla. As he drove towards the city he found himself worrying about the next few hours as it would only take an unlucky encounter with the Police for things to go wrong.




Jim Pope Copy Right 2024