Wrong Place Wrong Time Chapter 3

Wrong Place Wrong Time

Chapter three

Tim arrived at Central Railway Station without problem and parked the car. Parking was not a problem as it was all short term and metered so not many people parked there. Tim walked into the station carrying his shopping page and went into the toilets. He changed his shirt and put on the wig and headed out of the station and into a large park that was next to the station. There was no CCTV in the park so as he walked through the park he quickly removed the wig and through it in a waist bin.

Once on the other side of the park he waved down a taxi and said to the driver, “the shopping centre on Prince St, please.”

The shopping centre was not that far away but he wanted to avoid CCTV just to make it hard for the Police to track him. The taxi driver did not want to take cash so Tim just handed him a $50 note for a $20 far and said, “keep it.” The driver seemed quite happy and just said, “thanks.”

Tim walked along the lane next to the shopping centre that lead to the multi story car park. He entered via a stair well and then put his shirt back on over the ‘T’ shirt. As he walked through the shopping centre looking for the bank he noticed a rack off floppy hats outside a chemist so he bought a white cricket style floppy hat.

As Tim walked towards the bank he could see Sarah sitting on a bench outside the bank talking with an older woman.

“Hi, have you been waiting long,” asked Tim.

“No not that long, how did you go,” asked Sarah.

“No problems,” replied Tim.

“I’ll be back in a few minutes after I do the banking,” said Tim.

Tim had two bank accounts, one with this bank and another at a different bank which was located on a different level of the shopping centre. One account was for savings and the other account was his every day account. Due to Government regulations only $10,000 could be withdraw each day from any bank account. Tim had a little over $10,000 in each account which would give him $20,000 but that would not last too long.

The bank teller did not seem to keen to give Tim $10,000 saying that she would have to get money from the safe which would take a few minutes. Tim found himself worrying that this was some sort of delaying tactic. As he stood there waiting he was thinking that may be he was already on a list. A list of people the bank had to notify Police if they tried to make withdrawals. But he reassured himself that it was unlikely as the Police were unlikely to work that fast. In due course the Teller came back with a bag of money, counted out $10,000, put it in an envelope and gave it to Tim.

Tim came out of the bank to find Sarah looking nervous as she had started to think that something was wrong.

“Lets get to the other bank and get out of here,” said Tim, then adding, “I’m starting to get an uneasy felling about this.”

“I agree,” replied Sarah.

There went up one level in the shopping centre to Tim’s other bank where he had no problems withdrawing the money. When Tim came out of the bank Sarah said, “May be we are panicking about nothing, do you want to do some of the shopping here?” he then continued, “there is a office supply shop on this level.”

“Yer, may be your right,” replied Tim.

He took the shopping list out of his shirt pocket and read through it.

“There are a few things we can get there,” said Tim.

“On second thought may be not, don’t turn around, but there is two coppers just over there,” replied Sarah, then adding, “lets head for that clothing shop,” as she nodded her head in the direction of the shop.

Sarah took Tim’s hand as they walked towards the clothing shop.

“Lets get you some new cloths while we are here,” said Sarah.

“Something, not like me,” replied Tim.

Tim quickly selected a few shirts and headed to the change room while Sarah pick out a selection of jeans, a jacket and some under wear. She then took them to the change room to confer with Tim that the sizes were correct. Tim emerged from the change room looking very different, he was wearing a colourful check shirt, dark jeans and a demon jacket. He payed for all the purchases and they made there way out of the shop. The Police were no where to be seen but all they wanted to do was get out of there so they walked arm in arm towards the car park loaded up with bags of cloths. They tried to look like a happy couple out shopping as they walked through the shopping centre.

They were on the third level of the shopping centre but needed to get to the four level of the attached car park. As they walked past a large window they could see a Police car parked in the street below and once in the car there was another Police car parked in one of the emergency parking spots.

The Police could be there for a number of reasons but there was no point in taking any chances. When they got to Sarah’s car Tim got in the back seat and lied on the floor, Sarah pilled the shopping bags full of cloths on top of him and she drove out of the parking station. Two Police officers were standing at the exit checking on the cars as they stopped at the exit boom gate.    

Sarah drove for a few km’s before pulling into a side street so Tim could get out from under the shopping and get into the front seat.

“The bank must off told them I was there,” said Tim.

“We still need to get some things, flash drives etc,” replied Sarah.

 “If we get back onto the main road, I think there is an office supply shop just a few km’s away,” said Tim.

“Yer and I think they sell phones as well,” replied Sarah.

Sarah did a ‘U’ turn and then turned back onto the main road and headed towards the office supply shop. She pulled into the shops car parking area and parked near the shops entrance. They walked around the shop trying to find what they needed but ended up having to ask someone.

“Ten SD cards, ten flash drives and five portable hard drives should be enough,” said Tim.

“Not sure about the hard drives,” replied Sarah.

“We don’t know what’s on the lap top it might be a lot of data,” said Tim.

“Of course, sorry wasn’t thinking,” replied Sarah.

“Lets get a phone and get back to your place,” said Tim.

“I want to stop on the way back to fill the car with petrol just in case and we will need to get some food as well,” replied Sarah.

“We can get that at the garage,” said Tim.

“Yer,” replied Sarah.

Once back at Sarah’s home they started copying the video of Glen’s murder. Sarah had both a lap top as well as a desk top computers so she started both copying the video of Glen’s murder to the SD cards, flash drives and portable hard drives. It only takes a few minutes to copy but as they were making twenty five copies it took around an hour to get it all done. 

The problem now was, ‘how to get a copy to the Deputy Police Commissioner’ without being court. Sarah got onto the internet and Googled him and after a while she worked out that he worked out of the Henry Street Police Station. That was helpful but they still needed a way to get it to him. There was no option, they would have to go to Henry Street Police Station to check it out.

Tim got one of the flash drives and put in an envelope he then addressed it to the Deputy Police Commissioner, Henry Street Police Station, Henry Street, Northville. He then wrote a note for the Commissioner, it read;

          Dear Deputy Police Commissioner

          I hope this finds you well.

          Just a quick note to share an interesting video with you

          it has an all star cast, yourself, Big Willy Jones plus a few extras

          with Glen and Glenda

          I hope you enjoy it.

          By the way, I have made many copies and up loaded it to the internet, it wont go live unless I’m not around to stop it each           day.  

          Love Tim

Tim showed it to Sarah who then said, “We haven’t put it on the internet yet.”

“He doesn’t know that” replied Tim

Tim pick up one of the flash drives, “does this have everything on it,” asked Tim.

“Yes,” replied Sarah, she then added, “why?”

“I just thought I would post it while we are out, just to get one out there, you never know,” said Tim.

Tim addressed an envelope, Howard Miller, “Forever”, Paddock Road, Hartwood, Vic.

Sarah looked at the envelope and asked, “who’s Howard Miller?”

“We went to school together, I think you met him at that school reunion we went to in,” Tim stoped and thought for a moment and then continued, “in whatever year it was.”

“I don’t remember, which one was he?” asked Sarah.

“You must remember him, he was the one with the long hair and beard to match, lived out in the bush, no electricity,” said Tim.

“The hippy,” replied Sarah.

“That’s him,” said Tim.

Tim wrote a short note to Howard, it just read;

          Hi Howard,

          Please keep this safe, somewhere no one will find it.


Tim placed the portable hard drive and the note in the envelope, sealed it and said, “we forgot to buy some stamps.”

“I think I have some,” said Sarah, as she searched around in her hand bag.

“There you go, that should be enough,” added Sarah.

“We will have to buy some while we are out,” said Tim as he stuck the stamps to the envelope.

It was now just after two in the afternoon as they headed off to look at Henry Street Police Station, but it was not that far away, only about ten minutes drive. Sarah parked in a side street and walked toward the Police Station, she crossed the road and walked past it, checking it out from over the road. She went into a chemist shop and bought some penadol and then into the news agent to buy some stamps. She posted the flash drive to Howard before heading back to the car.

The Police station was very modern with lots of security, CCTV everywhere, the Police cars were parked behind the station and the front doors were large automatic sliding doors. As she was walking back to   her car she noticed an unmarked Police BMW pull up outside the Police Station, it was a top of the line BMW. She continued back to her car, got in, started it up and did a ‘U’ turn, driving back to the intersection just up from the Police Station were she stopped.

“What are you thinking,” asked Tim.

“See that BMW,” said Sarah.

“Yes,” replied Tim.

“I think that is the Deputy Police Commissioners car and it just pulled up outside the cop shop, I think he is going to come out and go somewhere,” said Sarah.

“And we are going to follow him, with the hope of an opportunity come alone,” replied Tim.

“You’ve got it,” said Sarah.

“You’re right, there he is,” replied Tim.

They followed the Deputy Police Commissioner’s car for about five minutes before it pulled into a petrol station for fuel. Sarah turned into side street next to the petrol station.

Tim got the envelope address to the Deputy Police Commissioner out of his pocket and said, “I’ve got an idea, I’ll be back in a minute, be ready to get out of here.”

“Don’t take any risks,” said Sarah.

Tim got out of the car and walked to the service station, went inside and looked around like he was buying things. He picked up some chips as well as some chocolate but had to keep looking around until the Deputy Commissioners driver came in to pay for the petrol, he had a folder in his hand. Tim lines up behind him and dropped the envelope on the floor, after the driver payed and as he turned to walk away Tim said, “hey mate, you dropped something.”

“I don’t think so,” said the Driver, but he still bent down and picked it up, looked at it and kept walking out, he didn’t even say thanks. Tim payed for his chips and chocolate and got out of there as quickly as he could. As soon as he was around the corner of the building he started to run, jumped into Sarah’s car and said, “lets get out of here quick.”

Sarah drove off quickly and asked Tim, “how did it go?”

“No problem,“ replied Tim.

“Where to now?” asked Sarah.

“Back to your place,” replied Tim.

They drove the ten minute trip back to Sarah’s home in silence, both starting to feel apprehensive about their course of action and wondering if they were doing the right thing.

As they walked through Sarah’s front door Tim and Sarah said at the same time, “do you think?” They both stoped and said together, “sorry you first.”

They smiled at each other as Tim said again, “you first.”

“Do you think we are doing the right thing, we could just send the video out to the media, Police and Politicians and hope that everyone is not corrupt,” said Sarah.

“I was thinking the same thing,” replied Tim.

“But then I think about what happened to Mel,” said Sarah.

“Exactly,” replied Tim.

Mel was a friend of both Tim and Sarah, a friend they had only limited contact with over the years. Her husband was shot dead while watching TV in his own home. Mel was arrested for his murder and was convicted even though four people had given evidence at her trial that she was with them at the time of the murder. The jury did not believe them, they believed other evidence, blood on her and her finger prints on the gun as well as it being a bad marriage. All explainable but it made no difference, she was convicted and went to jail for a very long time.

“Video or no video, I don’t trust the system,” said Sarah.

“I’ll be done for murder and you for accessory after the fact,” replied Tim.

“I know this sound paranoid and classiest or may be it’s my up bringing, but the rich and powerful always get of and the little guy goes to jail.” replied Sarah.

Tim looked at Sarah and smiled and then said, “you know we are the products of our up bringing.”

“Our left wing hippy parents have a lot to answer for,” replied Sarah.

“OK, we will stick to the plan,” said Tim.

“Yer,” replied Sarah.

“We better get the video up loaded to you tube,” said Tim.

“Do you have a you tube account,” asked Sarah.

“No,” replied Tim.

“OK, I’ll up load it to my account but I’ll set the ‘go live’ date for, what do you think? Two days time,” asked Sarah.

“Yer, that sounds good, so we will just keep changing the ‘go live’ date?” asked Tim.

“Yer,” said Sarah, before adding, “I’ll open an account for you and I’ll  upload the video a second time and set the ‘go live’ date for three days time.”

“So we will have two safety nets,” replied Tim.

“Yer,” said Sarah.

Sarah started playing around with computers while Tim went into the lounge room and turned the TV on as it was just on six o’clock. The news came on with all the usual stuff, Politics, wars and car crashes but then just before the sport there was a report on the murder of Glen and Glenda. It showed the Deputy Police Commissioner holding a press conference, it went on to name Tim as someone of interest for Glen and Glenda’s murder as well as John’s. The report showed a picture of Tim and warned the public that he was armed and dangers. Luckily the picture was old and very bad so it was unlikely anyone would recognize him from it.

Sarah came into the lounge room and said, “There is some sort of problem with the internet, I will try again a bit later.”

“OK,” replied Tim.

Sarah could see that something was not right and asked, “what’s wrong?”

“They have named me as a person of interest on the news,” replied Tim.

“That’s not unexpected,” said Sarah.

“I know, its just, I keep hoping that I will wake up and it will all be a dream,” replied Tim.

“You know its just a matter of time before the cops show up here,” said Sarah.

“I know, lets hope the lap top shows up before then,” replied Tim.

“I recon we can expect them both tomorrow,” said Sarah.

“I think your right,” replied Tim.

“Do you want something to eat? I could ring and get some take away delivered,” said Sarah.

“That would be good,” replied Tim, he then paused for a moment before continuing, “it might be just me but I would feel safer if we packed a few things, put them in your car and parked it in the next street, just in case we need to get out of here in a hurry.”

“I like that idea,” replied Sarah, then added, “I will pack a bag once I ring for the take away.”

Sarah rang and ordered some take away and then packed a few things in an overnight bag while Tim gathered the small number of things he had together.

“Do you have a spare bag I could use?” asked Tim.

But Sarah was ahead of him as she had already found one for him.

“Will this do,” replied Sarah.

“That’s perfect, thanks,” said Tim.

After eating some pretty ordinary take away they loaded the car and drove it around the block and parked it in the next street. As they walked around the corner back into Sarah’s street they saw cars pulling up outside her house and what was looked like plain cloths Police jumping out and running into her place.

They quickly turned around and walked back the way they had come, once out of sight they started to run. Their hearts were pounding by the time they got to the car, Sarah dropped her car keys while trying to unlock the car and they rolled under the car. She had to lay on the ground to reach them, Tim came around to the drivers side and helped her up and then just held her.

After a few moments Tim said, “I think we should get the hell out of here.”

They drove away not sure what to do next.      




Jim Pope Copy Right 2024