Wrong Place Wrong Time Chapter 4

Wrong Place Wrong Time

Chapter Four

Tim and Sarah drove into the night not sure what to do next or just where to go so they just drove.

“We need to find somewhere to stop for a while I can’t drive and think at the same time,” said Sarah.

“Turn left at the end of this street,” said Tim.

“That will take us,” said Sarah, before pausing for a moment and then adding, “I know.”     

The road wound its was up hill for a few km’s through bush land before coming to a dead end and a small car parking area. Sarah parked the car and turned the engine off before saying, “I remember this place.”

“Johnson’s Lookout,” said Tim.

“I wonder who Johnson was,” replied Sarah.

“Know idea,” said Tim.

“I remember what we did here for the first time,” replied Sarah.

“In the back seat of my Ford Falcon I seem to remember,” said Tim.

They sat there in silence for a few minutes reliving their joint history.

“Reliving the passed,” said Sarah.

Tim just looked at her and said nothing.

“I didn’t mean we should relive that time right now,” said Sarah.

“It didn’t cross my mind,” replied Tim.

“Liar, it’s exactly what you were thinking,” said Sarah.

“OK you got me, of course that’s what I was thinking but looking at it from a practical stand point, this cars back seat is minuscule and we aren’t as young as we use to be,” replied Tim.

“I don’t know,” Sarah said as she looked at the back seat.

Tim’s face lit up with a broad smile.

“My goodness you thought I was serious,” said Sarah.

“Know I didn’t,” replied Tim.

“Oh yes you did,” said Sarah.

In an attempt to change the subject, Tim said, “I guess we need to talk about what to do next and first order of business is, where are we going to spend the night?”

“Now I don’t know why I didn’t think of this before but I know off the perfect place,” replied Sarah.

“Do you?” said Tim.

“I have a friend she is like a honorary Aunt, I have known her all my life, she was my mothers best friend, she use to baby sit me when I was little. She is in South America for the next four weeks and I have the key to her house. Aunt Marry’s place will be safe.” replied Sarah.

“Sounds good,” said Tim, he then asked, “does she have a garage?”

“Yes and better than that, she has a car we can use,” replied Sarah.

“That solve our second problem,” said Tim, he then added, “but we have lost our flash drives, portable hard drives, your computers, my camera, and the phones, in fact right at this point in time we have nothing.”

“What about the flash drive we sent to Howard?” asked Sarah.

“Well there is that but its on its way to Victoria,” said Tim.

“Then there is the problem of the lap top that should arrive at my place tomorrow or the next day,” replied Sarah.

“OK that is a problem, we need that lap top,” said Tim.

“I wonder how long the Police will stay at my place?” replied Sarah.

“My guess is that they will search the place tonight and then leave but they will more than likely keep a watch on it for the next few days,” said Tim.

“I could go to the post office tomorrow morning and redirect my mail but that will not help if it is delivered tomorrow.” replied Sarah.

“Where would you redirect it to?” asked Tim, he then added, “your Aunt’s place or Howard’s place.”    

“We need to ring Howard,” replied Sarah.

“We can’t, he is completely of the grid, no phone,” said Tim, he paused for a moment and then continued, “if we want to get that flash drive back we are going to have to go to Victoria.”

“In that case we should redirect my mail to Howard,” replied Sarah.

“That still leaves the problem of, what if the lap top is delivered tomorrow,” said Tim.

“While I’m at the Post Office you can keep an eye on my place from the Café across the road but you will need to be careful as the cops will more than likely be doing the same.” replied Sarah.

“We will need to get some phones, what time does the Super Market close?” asked Tim.

“Late,” replied Sarah.

“Alright, lets go to the Super Market now and then to your Aunt’s place,” said Tim.

Sarah started the car and reversed out of the parking spot, she nodded towards the back seat and said, “it is small but,” she paused, smiled and then continued, “but doable.”

“You’re such an optimist, I have always loved that about you,” replied Tim.

They drove to the Super Market where they purchased two cheap ‘pay as you go’ phones before heading to Sarah’s Aunt’s home. There they moved Sarah’s Aunt’s car out of her garage and parked Sarah’s car in the garage. For the first time in some hours they could relax, Sarah’s car was out of site and there was nothing that could lead the Police or the under world to them. They were safe, for now, Tim turned the TV on but there was nothing to watch so he turned it off, Sarah wandered around the house checking each room. Eventually they found themselves in the living room sitting on the lounge.

“I think we should get the plan for tomorrow settled,” said Tim.

“First thing I will go to the Post Office and redirect my mail to Howard’s place,” replied Sarah.

“You can drop me near your place and I will keep an eye out for the delivery of the lap top,” said Tim, before adding, “I don’t know what I will do if it is delivered and the Police are there.”

“We will worry about that if it happens, the copers might not be there,” replied Sarah.

“At some point we will need to replace the flash drives and portable hard drives,” said Tim.

“I will do that, I think the Post Office sell them.” replied Sarah.

“Oh and we will need a new lap top,” said Tim. He then looked over at Sarah, she was sitting cross legged on the lounge, she looked so calm, as if nothing was wrong, like being on the run from the Police and under world was just a normal day.

“Sorry for getting you involved with all this Sarah, it wasn’t my intention, but I have to admit, I’m glade you are involved,” said Tim.

“Well my life has been turned up side down, I’m wanted by the Police, my house has been searched and I’m on the run, just another day in the life of wonder woman,” replied Sarah.

“I can see you dressed as wonder woman, orr,” said Tim.

“You have seen me dressed as wonder woman, remember that fancy dress party we went to at,” she paused for a moment and the continued, “what’s his names place,” replied Sarah.

“Peter,” said Tim.

“That’s right Peter the pants man,” replied Sarah, before adding, “you were dressed as Batman and you kept saying, ‘hi I’m Batman’ all night.”

Tim smiled as he relived that moment from all those years ago, he then stood up and said, “I’m going to hit the sack, the last few days are starting to catch up with me, first on the left is it.”

“No that’s my room, your first on the right,” replied Sarah.

“Off course, my mistake, just a bit of a Freudien slip,” said Tim.

“See you in the morrow,” replied Tim

Tim wandered off down the hall not long followed by Sarah.

The next day downed fine and sunny, Tim woke early after a restless night but Sarah slept well and did not emerge till a little after 8.00 am. Tim had finished his breakfast and was sitting at the dinning room table making a list when Sarah wandered in with some toast and a coffee.

“Good morning young Sarah,” said Tim.

“Hi, ready for the day?” asked Sarah.

“No problem,” said Tim.

“What’s on the list?” replied Sarah.

“Nothing new, just what we talked about last night,” said Tim.

After Sarah finished her breakfast they headed outside and got into Sarah’s Aunt’s car. It was a Ford Falcon XR6 with a manual gearbox, not the sort of car you would expect an Aunt to drive. Sarah turned the key and the car burst into life, it had a cut back exhaust that made a harsh rumble of a noise, again not something you would expect an older woman to own.

Tim looked across at Sarah and said, “this is not the sort of car I would expect an elderly Aunt to drive.”

“My Aunt is not your typical older woman, she is what my grand father would of called, ‘a strong willed woman,’ but for me she is just my Aunt Mary,” said Sarah.

“Sounds like an older version of you,” replied Tim.

Sarah just looked over at Tim and smiled as she backed the car out of the driveway and drove off down the road heading towards her place.

“I will drop you at the end of the street, you can walk to the Café and don’t forget to keep those glasses on as well as that silly hat, oh and buy a newspaper so you can hide behind it,” said Sarah.

“No problem, ring me after you finish at the Post Office,” replied Tim.

“Keep your eyes open for the copers,” said Sarah.

“I will,” replied Tim.

Sarah pulled over and Tim got out, Sarah then drove off down the road heading towards the Post Office. Tim walked the short distance to the Café which was diagonally opposite Sarah’s home. He sat at a table that had a good view of the street and her house and ordered a cup of tea with some toast. The glasses he was wearing were magnifying glasses which were difficult to wear so he pushed them forward on his nose and looked over the top of them. There was a white Holden Commodore with two people sitting in it parked just up the road from Sarah’s house, they might be Police, Tim thought to himself. 

He sat there for a while, reading his paper, drinking the tea and eating toast before ordering it all over again. At one point someone got out of the Commodore and walked to the Café and ordered some coffee, Tim hid behind his newspaper till he was gone. If Tim was a betting man he would put everything on him being a coper.

He was on his third cup of tea when Sarah arrived.

“What are you doing here?” asked Tim

“Look what I’ve got,” said Sarah as she held up a lap top sized package.

“Is that what I think it is?” asked Tim.

“Yes it is,” replied Sarah.

“How did you end up with that?” asked Tim.

“I was filling out the redirection form and I told them I was expecting a package and they looked out the back and came back with this, so I didn’t bother redirecting the mail” replied Sarah.

“We can get out of here then,” said Tim.

“I might have a coffee seeing I’m here, any sign of the copers?” asked Sarah.

“Yes, see that white Commodore over there,” said Tim.

“Oh yer, their got a boring job,” replied Sarah.

Tim sat there waiting for Sarah to finish her coffee anxious to leave but Sarah seemed to be enjoying herself sitting in the Café less than 100 metres from the Police. Sarah picked up her hand bag, took out a pen and pad and started writing a note.

“What have you thought of?” asked Tim.

“Nothing I’m writing the copers a note, I will get the waitress to deliver it with two coffee’s 15 minutes after we leave,” replied Sarah.

“I’m not sure that’s a very good idea but I like it, what are you going to say?” asked Tim.

Sarah finishing writing the note and then read it to Tim.


          Sorry to bugger up your nice easy day but we want be coming back to the house today, hope this finds you happy and well.


          Sarah and Tim.

          PS, can you tell the Deputy Commissioner, ‘we still have a copy of    the video as well as the lap top.

          PPS, enjoy the coffees.   

“I like it, but can we get out of here,” said Tim.

“Yer OK then,” replied Sarah.

They both got up walked over to the counter, payed their bill including two coffees for the copers and asked to waitress to deliver the coffees and the note to the two men in the white Commodore parked over the road in 15 minutes. The waitress new Sarah as a regular so she was happy to do it.

They walked a short distance to where the car was parked in a side street and the drove to Sarah’s Aunt’s home. Once there Tim unpacked the package and tried to start Glen’s lap top up but the battery was flat. Luckily the charger that came with the new lap top Sarah had purchased fitted so after a bit of playing around Glen’s lap started up. Sarah bounced around the files that were in it, most seemed to just business files, contracts, spread sheets, the sort of thing you would expect to find in a business mans computer.

After a while Sarah said, “this looks interesting.”

“What have you found?” asked Tim.

“There is a file called, ‘blackmail’ lets see what in there,” said Sarah.

“Anything interesting?” asked Tim.

“Give me a minute,” replied Sarah.

She looked at the screen intently trying to work it out.

After a few more moments Tim asked, “well?”

“It a spread sheet showing money coming from a Big Willy Jones and Simon Bond,” said Sarah.

“Big Willy Jones is a Crime Boss and Simon Bond is the Deputy Police Commissioner,” replied Tim.

“OK there is lots of money coming in from both of them and it looks like Glen was investing it, this is a money laundry operation,” said Sarah.

“We need to copy this to the new lap top,” said Tim.

“I will copy everything to the new lap top and may be a portable hard drive as well,” replied Sarah.

Sarah went back to the main menu and after a few moments she said, “I wonder what’s in here.”

She clicked on a file called, ‘if you plan to face tomorrow’.

“This looks like some sort of poem,” said Sarah.

Tim looked over her shoulder and started reading the screen and said, “that’s not a poem its lyrics from a Gordon Lightfoot song.”

As they read the lyrics they came to the line, ‘if you plan to face tomorrow, do it soon’. Sarah noticed that, ‘do it soon’, was high lighted, so she clicked on it, a file opened up. They sat there read through it and after a while Tim said, “this is a bolt hole.”

“A what,” replied Sarah.

“This is an escape, Glen was planing to run away, new ID, bank account, a property in Victoria, he was going to start a new life,” said Tim.

“That’s sad, that he didn’t make it,” said Sarah.

“It is,” replied Tim.

Tim sat back on the lounge while Sarah connected a cable to the new lap top and started the copying process. But before she pressed the start button Tim said, “don’t copy the bolt hole file to the new lap top, copy it to one of the flash drives and then delete it.”

“Why?” asked Sarah.

“I’ve got an idea,” replied Tim.

Sarah looked at Tim and after a moment or two she smiled and said, “are you thinking what I’m thinking.”

“I think I am,” replied Tim.




Jim Pope Copy Right 2024