Wrong Place Wrong Time Chapter 7

Wrong Place Wrong Time

Chapter Seven.

Tim and Sarah were up early as they had a long day ahead of then, the route back would take about a day and a half keeping to minor roads. This would mean another night sleeping in the car as motels, hotels and caravan parks would not take cash and they can’t use their credit cards. The other problem would be finding somewhere out of the way to pull over for the night.

The route back would not be the same route they took getting to Howard’s place as they did not need to go via Glen’s bolt hole property. After taking all the factors were taken into account they decided to drive into the night and do the whole trip in one go. It should be doable if they share the driving but it would be a long day.

After saying their good byes and promising to come back again soon Tim and Sarah set of with Tim doing the first driving stint. The Sat Nav was set so all they needed to do was follow its instructions, it predicted that the trip would get then the Sarah’s Aunt’s house some time around mid night.

The km’s slowly ticked down as Tim and Sarah drove on and on through out the day and into the night. Sarah’s Aunt Marry’s taste in music did not line up with Tim or Sarah so they had to keep coming up with topic to talk about. Silence was there enemy as tiredness started to set in. They reduced the time each of them drove from two hours shifts at the start of the day to half hour shifts by the time the sun went down.

As the Sat Nav had predicted they arrived at Aunt Marry’s house just before mid night and to say that they were tired would be an understatement. They stagged into the house, fell onto the bed and fell asleep within seconds.

They woke the next day still tired and exhausted but they did not have the time to be tired and exhausted as they had a great deal to do. After freshening up, eating some breakfast and generally waking up they sat on the lounge and made a list.

“First up we need to organize for both of us to do driving test, in the names George and Eve Caplin,” said Tim.

“Everything will be in the names George and Eve Caplin and I think we should do the driving tests at different locations,” replied Sarah.

“I think that’s a good idea,” said Tim, before adding, “we’ll need credit cards.”

“We want be able to do that till after we get the drivers licences,” replied Sarah.

“A car, we will need to buy a car,” said Tim, he then continued, “but not until we get the drivers licences.”

“How much money have we got left?” asked Tim.

“Enough to by a car, and any way money will not be a problem once we get into Glen’s account, or should I say George Caplin’s account,” replied Sarah.

“Your right there,” said Tim.

“We need to make copies of the SD card and the info on Glen’s lap top and get it all ready to post,” said Sarah.

“We’ll need envelops, stamps and addresses of everyone we intend to send them to, and for that matter we need to decide who to send them to,” replied Tim.

“TV, radio, newspapers, Police and Politicians,” said Sarah.

“I’ll go out and buy everything we need and you can stay here and do all the computer, internet and phone stuff, how’s that sound,” said Tim.

“Sounds good to me,” replied Sarah.

“What about personal items from your home, is there anything you want to try and get?” asked Tim.

“Yes but no, I think we need to make it look like the underworld got us. plus it is to risky, “said Sarah, then asked, “what about you?”

“To risky,” replied Tim.

“And then there is my co-worker John’s wife, he did not deserve to be killed and she doesn’t deserve to be left penniless, I don’t know how but we need to get some money to her,” said Tim.

“You right, I will give it some thought, but it will have to wait till after we release everything as from her perspective you are a killer” replied Sarah.

“Yer, we’ll wait till everything quietens down,” said Tim.

“With a bit of luck we will get through the next few days and all will be well,” replied Sarah.

“Luck, I’m not sure how much of that we have left,” said Tim.

“Plenty, I check earlier,” replied Sarah.

“I’ll get going, envelopes, stamps are all we need, do we need any food, and what about flash drives or hard drives?” asked Tim.

“I’ll make a list for you,” replied Sarah.

Sarah wrote a list of items needed and handed it to Tim.

“Don’t forget your glasses and silly hat,” replied Sarah, she then added, “be careful.”

“I will, I always am,” said Tim before continuing, “is there anything in the car you need?”

“Oh yes, everything,” replied Sarah, then adding, “I’ll come out with you.”

They both walked out to the car and unpacked it, taking everything inside including the flash drive that was in the glove box. Tim came back out, got in the car and drove away.

Tim headed toward the near by shopping centre where he bought envelopes, stamps as well as some food item. Sarah started copying everything in Glen’s lap top plus video from the SD card to flash drives. She also got on with the many other jobs she had to do which would keep her busy for some time.

Tim returned to find Sarah had found addresses for varies media outlets as well as the Police and a number of Politicians so he sat on the lounge next to Sarah and started addressing the envelopes. He put a stamp on each envelope and started putting one flash drive in each envelope. Sarah continued copying information and video to the flash drives.

“When do you think we should post these?” asked Tim, as he place another flash drive in an envelope, sealed it and placed it on the coffee table in front of him.

“I’ve booked us in for driver licence test tomorrow so assuming we both pass I was thinking, the morning of the next day,” said Sarah.

“The morning of the day we leave,” said Tim.

“The morning of the first day off the rest of our lives,” replied Sarah.

“The day we stop being Tim and Sarah and become George and Eve,” said Tim.

“That will take some getting use too,” replied Sarah.

“I’ve been thinking about buying a car and, I don’t think we need to have our new licences, not if we buy one privately,” said Tim.

Sarah thought about it for a few moments before saying, “yer, your right, its only if we bought one from a dealer that we would need a licence.”

“Once you finish with the lap top I will search the internet for something suitable,” said Tim.

“This is the last flash drive so once the lap top has down its thing you can have it,” replied Sarah.

After a few moments Sarah handed Tim a flash drive and said, “well, that is it, all the flash drives are down.”

Tim put the flash drive into an envelope, sealed it, stuck a stamp on it and placed it with the rest on the coffee table.

“I wish we could post these now, it would make me feel a bit safer but we have to wait,” said Sarah.

“I know how you feel but it would be better for use if we were not around when it all comes out,” replied Tim.

Sarah unplugged the lap tops from each other and handed one to Tim.

Tim opened Face Book Market place and started looking at cars for sale.

“We need to think about what to do with your car, we can’t leave here, we don’t want to make problems for your Aunt,” said Tim.

“We will have to dump it somewhere, I know Johnston’s Lookout,” replied Sarah.

“Good idea, tomorrow night,” said Tim.

Sarah got up and went into the kitchen and made a few sandwiches for lunch.

After a short period Sarah returned with two plates, she place both on the coffee table and asked, “would you like a cup of tea.”

“Yes please,” replied Tim.

Sarah went back to the kitchen and after a few moments returned with a cup of tea and a cup of coffee and placed them both of the coffee table.

“Anything suitable?” asked Sarah.

“Yes and no, there are plenty suitable but none close bye,” replied Tim.

A few moments later Tim said, “here something, Subaru WRX, manual, 150 km’s, 10 months rego and its only down the road, that’ll do the trick.”

Tim typed a message,      Interested in your car, can I have a look now

                                      cash buyer, if suitable, will buy now.

Tim pressed send and then put the lap top onto the coffee table before eating his sandwich.

“We better brush up on the road rules for tomorrows driving test,” said Tim.

“That’s a thought, they are bound to be a bit different to when we did our test,” replied Sarah.

“You can bet on it,” said Tim.

The lap top made the noise, the noise computers make when there is a new message.

Tim checked and there was a message from the car seller which read.

                                      Can bring it to local shopping centre car park                                  in ½ an hour.

“What is it with modern people, what are they so frighten of that we have to meet in a car park, I must be getting old,” said Tim.

“Are you right with going to look at this car in half an hour?” asked Tim.

“Yes no problem,” replied Sarah.

Tim sent another message to the car seller.

                                      See you at two, top level, I’m driving a

                                      white Falcon XR6

Sarah got up, picked up the lunch left overs and took them to the kitchen, returned a few moments later and said, “well, lets get moving.”

“We will need some money,” said Tim.

“That’s a thought,” said Sarah as she rummaged around in her overnight bag, then adding, “There you go,” as she removed a large brown envelope from her bag.

Tim and Sarah went outside got in the car and drove the short distance to the shopping centre where they parked on the top level. The top level of the car park did not have many cars park on it, it rarely did, as it was exposed to the weather.

Tim and Sarah sat in the car waiting but not for long as the sound of a flat four engine heralded the approach of a Subaru. A red Subaru Impreza WRX pulled up opposite them and owner got out.

Tim and Sarah got out of the Falcon and walked over to the Subaru.

“Hi, so this is the car for sale?” asked Tim.

“Yes,” said the young owner.  

Tim walked around the car looking at it, sat in the drivers seat, pulled the bonnet latch and then looked under the bonnet. Sarah stood back and just watched.

“Can we go for a drive?” asked Tim.

“Yes but I have to drive,” said the owner.

“That’s fine,” replied Tim.

“I’ll wait here,” said Sarah.

Tim and the owner got into the car and drove off, down the three levels of the car park and out into the street and then after about one km Tim said, “that’s fine we can go back now.”

On returning to the car park Tim got out of the Subaru and said, “I’ll just have a talk with the misses.”

Sarah was sitting in the Falcon so Tim walked over.

“What do you think?” asked Tim.

“It will do, it only has to last a few weeks and if necessary we can rethink thinks and any way you always wanted a lairy red car,” said Sarah.

She handed Tim the money and he walked back to the Subaru.

“Alright, we will buy it,” said Tim.

Tim sat in the Subaru and counted out the money, the owner gave him a receipt in the name of George Caplin and filled out the registration transfer paper work.

“Can I give you a lift somewhere,” asked Tim.

“No thanks, I’m all right, I’ll catch the bus,” replied the old owner.

The old owner walked away while Tim walked over to Sarah.

“See you back at your Aunt’s place I just want to get something from the hard ware store,” said Tim.

Sarah drove back to her Aunt’s home, while Tim followed about ten minutes later.

Once both of them were back at the house they sat on the lounge, looked at each other and just smiled.

“Well, we got a bit done today, only one more day as Tim and Sarah,” said Tim.

“One more day,” said Sarah, and then added, “I think we should use Aunt Marry’s car for the licence tests.”

“I think so, we are both use to driving it,” replied Tim.

“Driving tests, bank and Post Office tomorrow and we will be done,” said Sarah.

“And dumping your car after dinner,” said Tim.

Tim took Sarah’s hand and said, “you know from the day after tomorrow we will be Mr and Mrs Caplin but its sad as we won’t get to do the wedding thing.”

“Well we could once we get settled, have some sort of ceremony,” said Sarah.

“That’s a good idea,” replied Tim.




Jim Pope Copy Right 2024