Wrong Place Wrong Time Chapter 8

Wrong Place Wrong Time

Chapter eight

The day dawned a bit over cast, not actually raining but it felt like it would at any moment. Some might take it as an omen but not Tim and Sarah they just saw it as another day and it would be a busy day.

First up was Sarah’s driving test which involved a test on a computer relating to road rules, that would be followed by driving the car, performing a number of exercises designed to test the drivers competency. Sarah was confidant that she would sail through with out problems.

Tim and Sarah’s driving test would be done at different locations as they felt it would look odd for a husband and wife to be doing driving test one after the other.

Sarah gathered together all the paper work that they would need to prove the identity. Glen had done a great job putting all the paper work together so they did not expect any problems but Tim and Sarah were not natural liars so they did feel a bit apprehensive.

“Lets get this show on the road,” said Tim, then asked, “have you got everything?”

“Yes, I’m ready as I ever will be,” replied Sarah.

Tim and Sarah went outside, got into the car and drove the fifteen minute trip to the Sate Services Centre, went inside, got a number, sat down and waited. After a ten minute wait Sarah’s number came up on the screen saying, ‘go to counter three’, Sarah stood up and started to walk away when Tim said, “Hey, good luck.”

“No problem, no worries,” replied Sarah.

Sarah walked up to counter three and said, “Hi.”

“Hello, how are you today?” asked the Official behind the counter.

“Pretty good, no problems, how are you?” asked Sarah.

“Good, please fill out this form,” said the Official.

Sarah read through the form and filled it out, it was just, name, address, date of birth, just basic information.

She handed the form back to the Official who then read through it, ticking boxes as she went.

“Do you have proof of identity,” asked the Official.

Sarah open her file and handed the official some paper work which included a birth certificate. The official looked at the paper work ticked a box on the form and handed it all back to Sarah.

“Can you please go the test room,” said the Official as she pointed towards a small glass walled room.

Sarah walked to the door of the test room while the Official did the same, she opened the door and said, “come in and take a seat in front of the computer.”

Sarah sat down while the Official turned the computer on and started the test program.

“There are thirty multiple choice questions to answer, put a cross in the box indicting, what you think is the correct answer, start when you are ready,” said the Official who then sat opposite Sarah.

Sarah read each question and answered them without any of them giving her any problems.

After a while Sarah said, “I’m finished.”

The Official got up and opened the door and said, “Please wait outside, the driving inspector will be along in a minute.”

Sarah sat in a chair just outside the test room door and gave Tim a little wave, Tim waved back.

After a short time an Official wearing a safety vest walked up to Sarah and said, “Eve Caplan.”

“Yes,” said Sarah.

“Is your car in the car park?” asked the Official.

“Yes,” replied Sarah.

“Lets go for a little drive,” said the Official.

They both walked out into the car park and over to the Falcon, Sarah unlocked the doors and they both got in. Sarah stated doing the pre flight checks when the Official said, “my goodness a manual car, I have not tested someone in a manual car for, I don’t remember when.”

“Only real men drive manual cars,” said Sarah, and then added, “my father use to say that all the time, not very correct these days I guess.”

The Official had a big smile on his face as if Sarah had made his day. They drove out of the car park and turned onto the main road, after a few km’s they turned into a side street where Sarah had to do a hill start, a ‘U’ turn and park the car. They then headed back to the State Services Centre, parked the car and went inside. The Official handed Sarah a ticket with a number on it and said, “wait till your number comes up on the screen.”

Sarah sat with Tim and waited.

“How did it go?” asked Tim.

Piece of cake,” replied Sarah.

After a while Sarah’s number came up on the screen telling her to go to counter five, which she did.

“Hi, can you read the third line on the screen,” asked the Official while pointing at a computer screen.

“C, X, K, Q,” said Sarah.

“Thank you, can you sit in front of the screen please,” said the Official pointing to a chair.

Sarah sat looking forward at the camera.

“Just look at the camera and don’t smile,” said the Official.

The camera flashed and the Official said, “thanks.”

Sarah got up and stood at the counter, the Official got her to sign some paper work and then said, “please take a seat and wait for you number to come up on the screen.”

It took about fifteen minutes but eventually Sarah’s number came up on the screen, she went to the counter and the Official said, “congratulations you has passed your test.”

Sarah smiled and said, “there was never any doubt.”

“How will you be paying?” asked the Official.

“Cash money,” replied Sarah.

“That will be $362.00,” said the Official.

Sarah handed over the money and that was that Sarah now had a drivers licence in the name of Eve Caplin.

The Official handed Sarah her licence plus two ‘P’ plates and said, “they need to be displayed on the front and rear of the vehicle when you are the driver.”

“Thank you,” said Sarah, she then walked over to Tim waving her new licence.

“Well done,” said Tim as they walked back to the car.

They walked out to the car and as they approached it Tim said, “you better drive your got a licence.”

Tim handed Sarah the keys and she handed Tim the ‘P’ plates and said, “put them on will you.”

“I didn’t think about ‘P’ plates, I should off I guess,” said Tim.

“We better get a move on, its half an hour to the next State Services Centre and your test is booked in half an hour,” said Sarah.

They drove across town and arrived just in time for Tim to go through the same thing Sarah had just done. Tim passed without that much of a problem but the driving inspector did criticize him for driving in to lower a gear but it wasn’t enough to fail him.

The next port of call was the bank to organize some credit cards which went off without a hitch. The bank would post them to them in a few days which is what they expected.

They headed back to Sarah’s Aunt’s home satisfied with the day and what they had managed to achieve but they were feeling a bit stressed. It was now late afternoon and they had not had any lunch so Sarah made some tea and coffee and they eat some biscuits.

“Only two more things to do,” said Tim, before adding, “one, go up to Johnson’s Lookout and dump your car.”

“And two, we need to post the flash drives,” added Sarah.

“We will do all that a bit later tonight,” said Tim.

“I have been thinking about the idea of putting the video of Glen’s and Glenda’s murder on the internet and I don’t think we should, not at the moment any way. Lets see what happens after we post all the flash drives,” said Sarah.

“I was thinking the same thing and there is a good chance that the internet want let us or they will take it down very soon after it goes up,” replied Tim.

They spent the next hour or so relaxing on the lounge, Tim flicked around the TV channels but could not find any thing to watch, Sarah wrote a long note to her Aunt.

“Its dark out so lets do this,” said Tim.

Tim picked up all the envelopes containing the flash drives and they both walked outside, Tim got in the Falcon and Sarah opened the garage door and go into her car.

“Well old thing this is the last time I will be driving you,” said Sarah.

They both backed out of the driveway and head off to Johnson’s Lookout. The traffic was quite heavy until they turned into the road that leads to Johnson’s Lookout. Once at the Lookout Sarah parked her car, got out and walked over to the Falcon and got in the passenger side.

“The back seat of this car is like a foot ball field,” said Tim.

“Sarah pretended to not get the reference and just said, “lets get some take away on the way back.”

They drove off down the road and after a km or so Sarah said, “my goodness you give up easily.”

Tim pretended to not get the reference and asked, “what type of take away would you like?”

They both laughed at themselves and drove off to buy some take away. They stoped and parked just down the road from a take away food shop and as they walked towards the shop they noticed a roadside mail box.

“Look what we have here,” said Tim, then added, “I’ll go back and get the envelopes.”

“I’ll wait here,” said Sarah.

Tim went back to the car and got all the envelopes and returned.

“Do you want to say anything,” asked Tim.

“With this our lives change forever,” said Sarah.

“Well said,” replied Tim as he pushed the envelopes through the slot.

They continued down the road to the take away shop and purchased some chicken and chips for dinner.

They drove back to Sarah’s Aunt’s home, parked the Falcon in the garage, closed the garage door and went into the house and eat their dinner.

Tomorrow would be the first day of the rest of their lives.




Jim Pope Copy Right 2024