Wrong Place Wrong Time Chapter 9

Wrong Place Wrong Time

Chapter Nine.

The start of a new day and the start of a new life for Tim and Sarah, today would see them heading off to Glen’s bolt hole property. They woke early eager to be on there way but there was not much to do, just pack the car. They did not have much to pack just a few overnight bags, two lap tops and some food for the next few days.

After a lite breakfast and with the car packed it was time to go, Sarah did a walk around the house just to check before leaving. She placed a note to her Aunt on the dinning room table and walked to the front door, pausing for a moment before closing it and walking to the car. Tim had already started to worm it up when Sarah got in and said, “its time.”

“It is,” replied Tim, then added, “lets get this show on the road.”

“Its time is a quote from someone, isn’t it?” asked Sarah.

“It was the election song from the Labour party, in Gough Whitlam’s time.

Tim pulled out of the driveway and followed the Sat Nav’s instructions as it took them south in busy morning traffic. There were travelling against the traffic so it was easy going but it still took an hour or so to clear the city. Once on the highway the km’s ticked by and it wasn’t long before they were looking for somewhere to buy some lunch. They found a road house where the food was not that bad, and it was nice to have a break.

Once back on the road Sarah worked out how to link her phone to the cars sound system which meant they had some music to drown out the road noise.

With about two hours still to travel they pulled over to take a break, walk around the car a few times to stretch their legs,

“We should name Glen’s bolt hole property,” said Sarah, as they walked around the car for the second time.

“That is a good idea, how about a combination of all our names,” replied Tim.

“How about Tim & Sarah, or Sarah & Tim,” said Sarah.

“Or Sartim, no I know, Glen Sartim, replied Tim.

“That’s it, I like it, Glen Sartim,” said Sarah.

“I’ll make a sign in wood and burn the letters into it,” replied Tim.

“Do you know how to do that,” asked Sarah.

“No but I have seen it done, so I will have ago, I am looking forward to, ‘having ago’ at, well everything,” replied Tim.

“Yer, gardening, I’ll looking forward to having a go at gardening, you know, growing our own,” said Sarah.

After the fifth time around the car Tim said, “well that is enough walking lets do some driving.

The km’s continued to tick down and it wasn’t long before they pulled up at the gate into, ‘Glen Sartim’ and got out of the car, as he did Sarah asked, “do you need a hand with the gate?”

Tim looked back through the cars window and replied, “Its all right I’ve got it covered, I’ve come prepared.”

Tim walked to the rear of the car opened the boot and rummaged around till he found some built cutters. Walking towards the gate Tim waved the built cutters at Sarah before cutting the pad lock from the chain that held the gate shut. He then opened the gate and walked back to the car and placed the built cutters in the boot.

As he got back into the car he said, “problem solved.”

After shutting the gate they drove to the house and settled in for the night. The next few days were spent getting use to their new life and making lists of things to do as well as things to buy, both list were very long.

It took three days for Tim to get to the TV, it worked from the start but it had no reception so it was only good for DVD’s. Tim played around with the areal and after a bit of adjustment he managed to tune in some channels.

That after noon Tim and Sarah were sitting on the lounge watching TV when the news came on. The main story was on the arrest of the deputy Police Commissioner and the hunt for the crime boss, Big Willy Jones for the murder of Glen, Glenda and John. Another report covered the search for the bodies of Tim and Sarah and how Police divers were searching dams on a Blue Mountain’s property owned by Big Willy Jones’s.

During the reports a senor Police Detective was interviewed and when asked if he thought Tim and Sarah were still alive he said that he did not think so but if they were he asked that they contact him.

“What do you think, should we turn our selves in?” asked Tim, with a rye smile on his face.

Sarah looked at Tim and said, “Yes of course we should I’ve always had a death wish and a desirer to go to jail.”

“I think we will stay dead,” said Tim.

“Have you got that list of ‘things to buy’ over there,” asked Eve.

“Yes,” replied George, then added, “what would you like to add?”

“New start,” replied Eve, then continued, “in big print.” 




Jim Pope Copy Right 2024